National Board Certified
Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Nutrition Specialist

Nutrition Coaching

Hi, I'm Stephanie!
So nice to meet you! Thank you for visiting my site! :)
Let me introduce myself - I'm Dr. Stephanie Lanham, DCN, CNS, NBC-HWC. I'm a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, Board Certified Nutrition Specialist, Health & Wellness Coach, Certified Meditation and Tapping Instructor, Usui Reiki Master and Herbalist.
It's been a long journey, but it looks something like this:
I started with my Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Charleston
Experienced a health crisis (more about this in a bit) where I found and completed my certification in Health Coaching from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
Thirsty for more, I ventured on to achieve my Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Medicine with an area of concentration in herbal medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health.
I went all-in and completed my Doctorate of Clinical Nutrition program at MUIH Spring of 2022. I needed to deepen my understanding of functional nutrition to better assist my community and clients in achieving optimal wellness.
Health and wellness wasn't always my cup of tea. As a matter of fact, it wasn't until I was facing my health crisis that I even considered nutrition and alternative healing modalities- even after working at a health food store!
When I say I hear you, I mean I really hear you. My specialties and interests are a reflection of my personal experiences with:
Chronic constipation, bloating, and other GI issues (most of my childhood and well into my 20s)
Depression and anxiety
Disordered Eating/Eating disorder (diet culture got me in high school; I stopped eating to lose weight)
Chronic pain (dx as fibromyalgia, but I don't own it. The pain is virtually gone today.)
Candida and yeast imbalances
Low self-esteem and body image issues (ties back up to the disordered eating)
Food intolerances/sensitivities (yea, dairy either breaks me out or tears my stomach up!)
Hormone imbalances (birth control to regulate for years because it was just so sporadic!)
My health and wellness journey opened me up to a whole new world of possibilities that I want to share with you. We tend to discredit our innate abilities to heal, and we discount the healing potential within food and herbs. We let the world around us influence how we feel about ourselves, and we buy into these fad diet companies that profit from our low-self esteem.
I’m here to help you bypass all of the guilt and shame associated with your body and wellness. I’m here to listen to your experiences and support you in your journey. I’m here to provide resources and education that support your wellness needs.
I’m here to make your wellness journey easier for you because I’m confident that food, herbs, and holistic lifestyle practices can help you Rediscover Health.